7 Things That Are Significantly More Important Than How Much Money You Make In Your Coaching Business
In this week’s podcast episode I share with you 7 things that are significantly more important than how much money you make in your coaching business!
Now don’t get me wrong, I love money, but there is also so much more to business than how much money you make.
Here are 3 of them now (the rest is in this week’s podcast episode!)
1. How You Feel In Your Business
I dont’t care if you’re making millions, if you don’t feel happy, aligned, fulfilled, clearheaded and regulated more often than not – I am not interested. Because I follow The Six Figure Event Method™, business more often than not feels fun, abundant, aligned and easeful.
2. What Your Profit Margin Is
Again, I don’t care how much money you’re making. I care how much money you’re KEEPING! There are plenty of coaches who openly share that they make 6 figures per year, but the part they don’t tell you is that they are also spending 6 figures. I am proud to say that my profit margin within the business has tripled in the last 12 months – and we are making more than we ever have before.
3. How Many Of Your Clients Get Results
If you’re making all the money in the world but you’re clients are unhappy, asking for refunds and aren’t getting results – you’re doing it wrong. You got into business to help people, and if you get to a point where you’ve fallen away from doing that very thing, you’ve gone down the wrong path.
Want to hear the other 4 things that are significantly more important than how much money you make in your coaching business?
Sof x