

The 12 month mastermind for ambitious female coaches ready to scale to 30K months and beyond the simple sustainable way.

Let Me Guess...

Well My Friend, If You Resonated With Any Of The Above, I Got You…


Sound like something you’d like?


If You Want To Scale Your Coaching Business Sustainably Without The Overwhelm, You Need To Master My Proven Formula, The SCALABLE SYSTEM™.


The Scalable System™

The Scalable System™ is simple. We teach you how to scale your coaching business to consistent 30K+ months sustainably. Our method includes three core pillars: Sustainable Strategy, Seamless Sales, and Simple Systems, each with three essential components.



Sustainable Strategy

Sustainable Strategy focuses on creating impact without burning out through leveraging a number of aligned organic and collaboration based strategies that both feel good and consistently bring in a high volume of potential clients.


Seamless Sales

Seamless Sales focuses on building a high stacking recurring income without the sales plateaus and income dips through having a core no-brainer offer, and selling through a variety of different seamless sales approaches so that you can sell anywhere, anytime.


Simple Systems

Simple Systems focuses on creating freedom without the overwhelm through having an organised backend, templates for everything you do more than once and knowing how to evaluate and iterate your business with ease.

Here’s What's Going To Happen To Your Business If You Don’t Master The Scalable System™


Without a sustainable strategy to attract ideal clients consistently, you’ll experience stagnation and minimal engagement online. Scale School teaches you how to apply and master effective, time-efficient strategies that prevent burnout and exhaustion.


Avoiding seamless sales mastery will lead to a sales plateau or even a sales decline. Scale School helps you create an irresistible offer and a sales process that feels good, generating multiple six figures for your business.


Neglecting the power of simple systems is why many businesses fail. Like a house needs a strong foundation, your business needs solid systems and structures. Scale School provides the foundation that creates freedom and flow, preventing chaos and ensuring you’re working smarter, not harder.

Let’s Take A Look At The Curriculum Inside Scale School™

Inside The Business Evaluation™ you will learn:

  • How To Complete An Evaluation
  • How To Get Clear On Your Goals
  • How To Create Your Mission Statement
  • How To Decide Your Business Values
  • How To Master Your Thoughts
  • How To Take Massive Action
  • How To Step Into The Next Level You
  • How To Forgive Yourself And Others
  • How To Remove Limiting Beliefs
  • How To Release Disempowering Emotions
  • How To Overcome Challenges
  • How To Release Money Blocks
  • How To Create Your Daily Ritual
  • How To Make More Money This Month Through Embodiment
Value: $5,000

Inside The No Brainer Offer™ you will learn:

  • How To Choose Your Target Audience
  • How To Create And Validate Your Signature Method
  • How To Create, Price And Position Your Program
Value: $9,000

Inside The Daily Lead Attracter™ you will learn:

  • How To Create Your Attraction Marketing Strategy

  • How To Set Up Your Social Media Profiles

  • How To Build Your Content Strategy

  • How To Create Your Brand Story

  • How To Leverage Other Facebook Groups

  • How To Collaborate With Others

Value: $11,000
Inside The Weekly Audience Nurturer™ you will learn:
  • How To Create Your Nurture Marketing Strategy
  • How To Set Up Your Facebook Group For Success
  • How To Host A Successful Podcast
  • How To Deliver Live Mini Trainings
  • How To Create A 12-Day Email Nurture Sequence
  • How To Make Quick And Easy Lead Magnets
Value: $11,000
Inside The Sell Via Chat Method™ you will learn:
  • How To Create Your Conversion Marketing Strategy
  • How To Sell Via Chat
  • How To Sell With Seamless Sales Calls
  • Our Post Booked Call Process To Increase Sales
  • How To Sell With Personalised Videos
  • How To Sell Using Instagram Stories
  • How To Sell With Effective Sales Pages
  • How To Sell With The Mission Statement Strategy
  • How To Follow Up With Potential Clients
Value: $11,000
Inside The Hybrid Funnel Converter™ you will learn:
  • How To Organise Your Live Event Launches With Ease
  • The 3 Ways You Can Run Events
  • How To Create Your Event Script And Presentation
  • How To Nail The Pitch For Your Event
  • How To Create Your Live Launch Strategy
  • How To Create Urgency During Launches
  • How To Show Up In Your Most Powerful Energy To Magnetise Your Audience
  • How To Set Up A Live Launch Funnel
  • How To Set Up An Evergreen Launch Funnel
  • How To Evaluate Your Launch For Next Time
  • Live Event Example
  • Evergreen Event Example
Value: $15,000
Inside The Retention Builder™ you will learn:
  • How To Invite An Existing Client To Continue Working With You
  • How To Upsell Your Client Into Additional Or Higher Levels Of Support
  • How To Downsell Potential Clients When They Can’t Commit To Your Program
Value: $4,000
Inside The Organised Backend™ you will learn:
  • How To Organise Your Business
  • How To Set Up Simple Systems
  • How To Organise Your Google Drive Folder
  • How To Organise Your Google Chrome Bookmark Bar
  • How To Delegate Tasks Through Hiring A Team Member
  • How I Organise My Canva
Value: $3,000
Inside The Template Hub™ you will receive:
  • Google Sheets Business Tracker Template
  • Canva Graphic Templates
  • Airtable Tracker Template
  • Asana Board Template


Value: $1,000


Here's What's Included In Scale School™

Lifetime Access To The Scalable System™ Curriculum (Value: $70,000)
3 Group Q&A Calls Every 2 Weeks (Value: $40,000)
Group Workshop On The Alternating Week (Value: $12,000)
Group Facebook Community (Value: $6,000)
100 Leads In 10 Days Course (Value: $500)
Tech Tutorials + Templates Course (Value: $500)
Expert Guest Masterclasses (Value: $10,000)
Monthly Planning Session (Value: $500)
Quarterly Virtual Weekend Retreats (Value: $12,000)
Unlimited 1:1 Message Support Monday-Friday (Value: $18,000)
6 1:1 Coaching Calls Over 12 Months (Value: $6,000)
Weekly Copy Review (Value: $4,000)
Weekly Canva Graphic Design Support (Value: $2,000)
Personalised 12 Week Roadmap (Value: $500)

If you’re not making consistent 30K+ months right now in a business model you LOVE then the truth is it’s costing you a FORTUNE to not join us.

Let's Chat Pricing

The value of this program far exceeds 100K…But we don’t want you to be paying that to get access to this level of support.

You can get a minimum of 12 months access for just $125-$250 USD per week depending on which Tier you join, making it a total no-brainer for you. We offer different payment plans and currencies to support you as much as we can, so to learn more about your options, apply below.

Why You Should Learn From Me


I’ve scaled my business to over a million in a short few years: I started my business at the age of 21 with 0 prior business experience or university degree. I was working 5 casual jobs when I started and scaled to over a million dollars organically in under 4 years. If I can, you can too.


I’ve supported my clients generate incredible results: From 5K months to consistent 70K+ months. Anything is possible when you go all in on The Scalable System™.


I have done all the hard work for you to make your life and business ventures flow: I have scaled from day 1 in my business. I’ve learned the different approaches to scale from the world’s top experts so you can go straight to what works.

What Clients Are Saying

How tara made $307,000+ In Less Than 5 Months

“We didn't have a clear process in place before but now we do - and it's the system you teach in your program - so it works amazingly” - Tara.

How Naomi Made $12,880 From Running One Event

“I tried a lot of other coaches and they weren't working for me. And that's when I finally found you” - Naomi

How Myra Built A Six Figure Coaching Business

“I've now talked on many different summits and conferences...I've even been on 2 radio shows.” - Myra.

How Georgia Made 24k+ From one event

“I set the goal of a five figure launch. And I don't know if I really believed I was gonna do it... But then that did happen. And I went above what I thought I would.” - Georgia.

How Beki Makes $20,000 Per Month Whilst Traveling And Home Schooling Children

“I’ve got the most beautiful home that I’ve been able to afford all on my own.. I’ve got cleaners and gardeners and all these people to support me… which was just a dream when we started working together” - Beki.

How Madeline Made $8,000 In 3 Weeks

“I made 8K in my first 3 weeks of working with you from using your support and events formula.” - Madeline.




By The Way, Hi! I'm Sofia

I’m a mindset and business coach, podcaster, speaker, online events expert and the most ambitious energiser bunny who will have you believing you can achieve anything after 5mins in my presence #facts

I’m also so much more than that. I am a creator of The Scalable System™, girlfriend to the man of my dreams, personal development obsessed, manifesting generator, organised AF Virgo, very all-or-nothing and the biggest goofball.


I built my business to over a million dollars organically by the age of 26 and I’m super passionate about helping ambitious women create a profitable coaching business that feels simple, sustainable, scalable and a whole lot of fun.


I’m here to show you what’s truly possible. Are you ready?

Still Got Questions? I've Got Answers

Scale School is an ongoing program. As soon as you join you will get a minimum of 12 months of access to the online course and support to scale your coaching business.

This is for you if you are an online female coach, creator, consultant or service-based business. This is not for you if you are a product-based business.

As the Tier 2 support is provided right from the beginning, we are unable to offer downgrades once commenced.

If at any time you wish to upgrade please email

Our members come from all corners of the globe. For that reason, we offer several call times to accommodate.

You can join any calls and you will receive the replays of all the calls in the course too.

The Q&A Call Times:
9 am (AEST)
2 pm (AEST)
7 pm (AEST)

The Workshop Call Times:
9 am (AEST)

I stand so deeply behind this program and have invested so much energy, heart and work into developing a mastermind that can get you results.

I do not offer refunds for the mastermind. If you decide to join the mastermind you are committed for the entire 12 months regardless of how you use the program. I am here to help you go to the next level as a business owner – and part of that is making and fulfilling your commitments.

While I wish I could, no, I cannot guarantee your results. My commitment is to provide you with the education, tools, coaching and support for you to scale your coaching business.

The testimonials and case studies on this website are from clients who did the work and showed up for themselves and their businesses. If you want results, you’ll need to do that too.

Please also know that sometimes results can take longer or look different than expected. We come from different places and have our own lives outside of business – but I know that what you learn within this mastermind will support you now and into the future.

A LOT. I am your coach in this program. It will be me on our group calls, and if you are in Tier 2, you will also have 1:1 access to me.

You will have access to the courses, support and calls for as long as you continue on in the mastermind. (12 months minimum)

What's Possible When You Join Us


Option 1: Join Scale School™ And Master The Scalable System™

  • Your content gets more DM’s enquiring about your services, booked calls and sign-ups to your event due to your powerful, clear and unique messaging.
  • Strangers sign up for your program on the regular.
  • People you haven’t even worked with are referring you to their friends.
  • Your clients get great results and stay with you long-term.

Option 2: Keep Going The Way You’re Going

  • Falling into the trap of comparison and doubt due to being unclear on your next steps to scale.
  • Showing up in your business will continue to feel heavy, draining and unrewarding.
  • You’ll find yourself looking at what other coaches are doing and trying to model them.
  • You’ll attract uncommitted people and have clients that say yes and then say no because you aren’t fully committing to one aligned approach yourself.


you will receive instant login details to the courses + a welcome email with your next steps.
you will receive a link to join the private facebook community to connect with the other members.
Once you’ve joined you’re welcome to join the very next live call so I can support you.

A Final Note From Me

My intention for this program is to give you the exact step-by-step process to scale your business sustainably and in a way that doesn’t burn you out. When we have clarity and feel good, we bring in exceptional results, so know that this process is just as much about having fun as it is about bringing in exceptional results.


If you feel fear, doubt or stretched right now, know you are not alone. I feel this every time I invest in myself (and yet it’s always changed my life and been 100% worth it!)


I encourage you to trust and back yourself to go all in on your business knowing that I’ve got your back every step of the way.


Sofia xo

Sofia is the best coach I have had. Prior to working with Sofia I had low confidence and so many fears. Since working with Sofia I have gained confidence within myself and my business. I made $5000 in my first month and now make 15K per month full time in my coaching business. I am a co-author of a book and a podcast host. I highly recommend Sofia and her mastermind. She's easy to talk to, supportive and goes above and beyond for all of her clients.
Relationship Coach
An investment that will come back ten-fold! In the beginning, I was hesitant due to not having a secure income, but as soon as I connected with Sofia, it quickly became a no-brainer! I made back my first payment in 7 DAYS - Sofia shows you how to attract and convert clients, create your signature offer, and shares all the mindset, energy, and business tactics needed for any new coach! I've seen incredible momentum - doubling my success monthly with all the resources and tools Sofia provides.
Marketing Coach
I absolutely love being part of the mastermind! Not only has it given me the strategy of how to run my business but also the belief and confidence to attract and help my ideal client. I get to travel the world, make money and impact lives all at once. It’s never been more fun running my business and knowing that I always have the support of beautiful Sofia and the other members of the mastermind.
Healing Coach

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