Rising Coaches

with Sofia Rose Bernardi

The weekly podcast set to inspire coaches to master their mindset, create an aligned marketing strategy, and create a 6+ figure business. 

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In this episode...

182. These 5 Things Are Stopping You From Scaling To 30K Months


These 5 Things Are Stopping You From Scaling To 30K Months

In this week’s podcast episode on Rising Coaches with Sofia Bernardi, I dive deep into five critical things that could be standing in the way of scaling your business to consistent 30K+ months. Whether you’ve been working tirelessly and still not seeing the results you desire or you feel like something is blocking your next level, this episode is for you.

Let me give you a sneak peek into 4 of the key roadblocks I cover, so you can start identifying which ones may be affecting your business growth right now:

1️⃣ Dabbling instead of mastering.
One of the biggest things that hold coaches back is trying to do too many things at once without fully mastering any of them. You might be jumping from one strategy to the next or feeling like you’re spreading yourself too thin across different platforms or approaches. Mastery takes focus and consistency. It’s about picking a proven strategy and refining it until you’re an expert at it—only then will you start seeing the traction that leads to exponential growth.

2️⃣ Making slow decisions.
Indecision can be a silent killer in your business. When you hesitate or overthink every choice. Whether it’s investing in a new tool, hiring a team member, or launching a new offer, you slow down your momentum. Scaling requires you to make quick, aligned decisions and trust your instincts. I talk more about why embracing speed in decision-making can shift your energy and open doors to opportunities you might have otherwise missed.

3️⃣ Not being an energetic match for what you want.
Your mindset and energy are just as important as your strategy. You might have all the right tools and tactics in place, but if you’re not embodying the version of yourself who already has a 30K+ business, it’s going to be an uphill battle. Are you truly feeling worthy of this level of success? Are you taking care of your energy and showing up in a way that aligns with the results you want to create? In the episode, I break down practical ways to shift your energy so you can start attracting the outcomes you desire.

4️⃣ Doing it alone.
Trying to scale a business by yourself is not only exhausting but also unsustainable. Many coaches stay stuck at a certain level because they believe they have to figure everything out on their own. The truth is, that having the right support—whether it’s mentors, a team, or a community of like-minded individuals—can accelerate your growth tenfold. Surrounding yourself with the right people allows you to leverage their knowledge and experience while staying focused on your zone of genius.

These are just 4 of the 5 roadblocks I cover in this week’s episode, and I’m excited to share more about what to do instead, so you can break through these barriers and scale your business in a simple, sustainable way.

Tune in to the full episode on Rising Coaches with Sofia Bernardi to get the complete breakdown and hear the fifth roadblock that might be holding you back.

Whether you’re currently feeling stuck or you just want to refine your strategy to keep scaling, this episode will give you the insights and practical tips you need to get to your next financial milestone.

I can’t wait to hear what you think, and as always, feel free to reply if you have any questions or need support on your journey.

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